DAPSYS Version 8
Dapsys 8 is compatible with 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10
Dapsys 8 has been tested in laboratory recordings and for offline analysis. It is the current recommended version of Dapsys. As issues or questions arise please let me know.
Installation Notes
- Dapsys 8 relies on updated libraries from National Instruments. These must be downloaded and installed in order to use Dapsys 8. This file is 163 MB and the installation footprint is about 314 MB.
- Download NIDAQ1410f1Runtime.exe
- Unzip it and extract to a new folder.
- Run setup.exe
- Download and install the current version of Dapsys 8 (below). If you need a registration code for Dapsys, contact me.
General Notes
- Dapsys 8 can open data files from all previous Dapsys versions.
Here is a sample data file recorded during an
experiment that you can download and open with Dapsys.
- If you find errors or have questions about Dapsys, please let me know.
Current Version Setup_8_78 (November 17, 2016)
- Sizable Discriminators: You can now size discriminators and filter windows including maximizing them. Their size and position is stored between runs of Dapsys.
- Continuous Discriminator Triggering: There is a new discrimination trigger mode "Continuous". If this is selected, then the discriminator shows the ongoing signal continuously like a discriminator in free-run mode. Nothing is stored to file in this mode, even if "File Storage On" is selected
- Float-Referenced Discrimination: If this box is checked then threshold crossings and window discrimination is all done relative to the signal level at the start of the discriminination window. If selected then the first sample shown at the left of the discimination window will always be at 0.0. This makes discrimination much more reliable if your signal is floating a bit. If your signal isn't floating it's harmless, so it should be safe to turn it on and forget about it.
Previous Versions
Setup_8_74 (August 20, 2016)
- Removed the option for DRamp modules to use the current temperature or the current set point. They always use the current set point now.
- Removed the option to send or not send the "stimulus off" to the stimulator at the end of the profile. It always sends this value now.
Setup_8_73 (July 9, 2016)
- Added option to control custom-built shunt device for Digitimer DS5
- Added the option to change all parameters at once from within the pulse stimulator
- Added more cursors to waterfall display
- All browser windows now stay open and all settings stay the same when the current recording file is closed and a new one opens
- Completed "companion stream" option in Tools/Preferences. If selected then streams that were open together in the same browser will get opened together automatically the next time one of them is open.
- The description of the pulse stimulus stored in the file (or displayed when mousing over a stim def buttton) is now complete (every active parameter is given)
- Miscellaneous maintenance for reported issues
Setup_8_71 (April 30, 2016)
- Added full sine waves as option for the pulse generator.
- Added feature to reopen files that were in use in the event that the program terminates abnormally.
- Completed Pulse Group model for the pulse stimulator.
- Added CSV import for both fixed- and variable-period sample.
Setup_8_68 (March 13, 2016)
- Many changes to the behavior of the browser to make it less "jumpy" when scrolling back and forth and when switching between the overview window, main window, and waterfall window
Setup_8_62 (November 12, 2015)
- Multiple cursors are now available in waterfall window
- Stop running stimulus when loading a new stimulus definition file
- Allow track filter view during live runs
- Copy and Paste stim def settings for the pulse generator
- Continuous Recording On/Off/During Protocols
- Double-click to add a manual event at a desired time
Setup_8_59 (October 3, 2015)
- Aligning a track to the maximum power and to a template work better now after some adjustements to the scanning parameters.
- After aligning a track to the waveform template, a dialog box is presented to allow the user to copy the template into the clipboard in case they would like to see it in Excel.
Setup_8_58 (September 24, 2015)
- Autosave now applies to all modified documents. Previously it only applied to the document being used for experimental recording.
- Pressing Ctrl+S causes a save to happen immediately. This was not working before while working in the browser.
- Pressing the "Show All" button in the Waterfall now causes the plotting method to automatically shift to "Autoselect" mode.
- When a replot of the waterfall is taking a long time (currently set to 15 seconds), then the user is given a prompt to continue or stop the plot.
Setup_8_55 (September 15, 2015)
- Export and copy of latencies are now in milliseconds (instead of seconds)
- In the Pulse Generator, the amplitude one can enter into the main pulse and conditioning pulse edit control is limited by the minimum and maximum voltage out settings of current stimulator calibration.
- Bug fix in browser (entering a time too large to be found in the recording)
Setup_8_54 (September 9, 2015)
Pulse Generator tool for use with National Instruments NIDAQ USB boxes
- Improved browsing features and better performance
- Improved latency tracking
- Option to automatically open new streams as they are created
- Laser safety watchdog option
- Option to control the Labortechnik interface box (unselect "Use digital expansion" from the DAP Board Preference tab)
Setup_8_43 (November 8, 2014)
Some bug fixes in displaying latencies and copying ranges in the stripchart
Setup_8_42 (October 14, 2014)
- Additional improvements and features added to the latency tracking tool
Setup_8_41 (September 8, 2014)
- Beta version of a new latency tracking tool accessed from the waterfall display.
- Some improvements in browsing between the three windows.
Setup_8_40 (August 19, 2014)
- Changed the File Open/Save dialog box so that lab file naming does not interfere with using your own choice of file name
Setup_8_39 (August 18, 2014)
- NOTE: The DPS file format changed slightly with this Dapsys version. This Dapsys version will open all previous DPS file formats, but earlier versions of Dapsys will not be able to open files recorded using this version.
- Some new safety checks for the Meyer laser
- Check box added to Preference to indicate whether you want top-level text streams to open automatically with browsers or not
- Added a small pop-up window to show the included bins when manually classifying spikes
Setup_8_38 (August 4, 2014)
- Browsing changed to link the overview, main, and zoom screens more closely
- Repetition counter added to the Compound Action Potential (CAP) tool
- Option on CAP tool to select 0 as the next stimulus definition, which automatically stops the protocol
Setup_8_34 (May 29, 2014)
- Better management of high frequency bursts on discriminators
- Removed extra Trigger 1 pulse when new file is opened
- Higher response rate of discriminator beeps for high-frequency bursts
- Improvements to Meyer laser control routine
Setup_8_32 (February 4, 2014)
Setup_8_30 (January 23, 2014)
Setup_8_29 (January 3, 2014)
Setup_8_26 (December 3, 2013)
Setup_8_18 (April 25, 2013)
Setup_8_10 (November 22, 2011)
- Changes from Version 7
- Upgraded National Instruments User-interface controls: Version 8 is more stable and faster than version 7. National Instruments fixed a significant issue in their graph control that is used in several Dapsys windows.
- Control National Instruments USB X analog I/O devices: Version 8 has an option under Tools/Properties to control a single National Instruments USB X. This allows USB-based sampling of a single analog input and analog output control. Future versions of the software will have a more generalized capability to control more inputs and outputs, including digital I/O.
- Improved selection options: There are more recognizable icons for choosing whether click-and-drag zooms or select elements. Also the behavior is more consistent than in version 7.
- Improved drag-and-drop: Drag and drop of waveforms and text elements has better icon indications of what is happening including a clear "Move" or "Copy" icon text to show whether the dropped waveform or text element will be moved or copied. Move is the default behavior. Copy happens if you press the Control Key during the drag-and-drop operation.
- Optional Average Waveform in Copy to Excel: When copying multiple waveforms to Excel you will receive a prompt for whether to instead create and copy the average waveform into the clipboard.
- Improved Manual Spike Sorting: Manual spike sorting now allows mulitple selections.
- Improved Synchronization of Windows: When the View/Synchronize Views option is selected, synchronization now also includes the cursor position and selection which is a more intuitive behavior.
- Automated Classifications Temporarily Disabled: The cross-correlation, Forster-Handwerker, and window-based automated classifications are disabled while they are being upgraded to fit version 8 conventions and to include some user-requested improvements.